
Easy Hash

Easy Hash (easy) Given file and prompt Source Code: easy_hash.7z Web Server: https://crypto01.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo For beginners: you can use curl to interact with the web server. (Example) ...

Chunk Norris

Chunk Norris (easy) Code given #!/usr/bin/python3 -u import random from Crypto.Util.number import * import gmpy2 a = 0xe64a5f84e2762be5 chunk_size = 64 def gen_prime(bits): s = random.getran...




Freelancer First if you look at the source code, you will find interesting comments: <img class="img-fluid" src="img/portfolio/cake.png" alt="" /> <!-- <a href="portfolio.php?id=2">...

Emdee Five for Life

Emdee Five For Life The idea of this challenge is to get the string and encrypt it using MD5 as fast as possible. Just write a small python script and get the flag from the result import request...

Decode Me

Decode Me! We get the following texts: 993gmULBNujjrZCDev3W8kAVaLkXiyHhCL3500188bA= gAAAAABboRUb0FsuiYBk1tsXRDr6KAzU1xrNSUv7grB-G-dAEeyqj99kUebz466I2VcH5xDa5HEc5KkbgTklQ7tm9JCRPlJtRng1Ns3VEvbrk7B...

Bank Heist

Bank Heist We get this text message: 444333 99966688 277733 7773323444664 84433 22244474433777, 99966688 277733 666552999. 99966688777 777744277733 666333 84433 443344477778 4447777 44466 9996668...

Longbottom's Locker

Start When we unzip the folder, we get three files index.html, neville.gif and socute.jpg. The index file and gif file look part of one another and may be there for validation. So let’s look at s...

Old Is Gold

0ld is g0ld Once we unzip the folder, we get a password protected pdf file. Use pdfcrack in combination with rockyou.txt to get the password: pdfcrack -f 0ld\ is\ g0ld.pdf -w /usr/share/wordlists...